Saturday, February 9, 2019

Tiny Houses

Consider the possibilities with a tiny house!


  1. These are really cool! I am in my 20s and would love something like this.

  2. These are great investments for life now. The options are limitless with the ability to rent out with VRBO and they are extremely affordable for all. Please stay in touch and let me know how your searches progress.

  3. I have seen several of these for rent on VRBO west of Asheville, NC. They could be a great idea for those looking for a relatively low-cost entry into the rental market. The ones that I have checked-out seem to have a simple hook-up requirement - power, plumbing, minimal foundation.

  4. It’s a great way to save space. Since they are becoming so popular, I’m sure we will be seeing tiny house suburbs emerging soon. I love the idea and it is a plan of mine to own one in the future.

    1. These tiny houses are becoming increasingly popular so continue to see more options available. I will be composing a list of companies to research and will post on this blog soon!

  5. I am working on those sources now from
    Last week’s International Builders Show. Stay tuned and I will have those sources!
